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Welcome to the UNITESERVE research program. The UNITESERVE research programs are aimed developing various fundamental research projects for development of UNITESERVE organization to fulfill its goal as global organization for economic management and transformation. Currently various programs are integrated as part of the UNITESERVE project platform. To become a member of the UNITESERVE research programs you need to be manger and leader one of various projects conducted in various the research categories relating to the organization in the project subplatform.


Currently below are the various projects.

  1. Organization and Management of Human Knowledge
  2. Career Development Program
  3. Critical Problems in the world
  4. Economic Management and Transformation Project
  5. UNITESERVE Project
  6. Consitution for UNITESERVE
  7. Worldwide relational movement
  8. UNITESERVE Education Development Project
  9. UNITESERVE Healthcare Development Project
  10. UNITESERVE Consumer Development Project

Please visit the project site to search for these projects.

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